Sunday, October 4, 2015

NTOS Fall Count
Nashville Area
Sep 26, 2015

The Nashville Fall Bird Count was held on Sept. 26 and totaled 115 species, much better than the 108 we had last year, but still a little below average for the last 10 years. Some birds of interest included one Northern Harrier at Radnor Lake, one American Golden-Plover at Shelby Bottoms, 2 Common and 1 Forster's tern at Percy Priest, 35 Eurasian Collared-Doves with 30 in one tree on the Percy Priest route, one Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Harpeth West, 2 Yellow-bellied Flycatchers at Shelby Bottoms and Harpeth West, one lingering Eastern Kingbird at Harpeth West, 3 Scissor-tailed Flycatchers at Percy Priest, 3 singing Marsh Wrens at Bells Bend, and 2 Veeries at Harpeth East. There were 21 warbler species seen with 72 Magnolias being the most common. This count takes in parts of several counties which requires lots of dedicated birders. Thank you so much to each of the leaders and to all who participated once again.

Click on Bird Count Result on the right to view the results.

Jan Shaw