Friday, December 20, 2013

Nashville Christmas Bird Count
Dec. 15, 2013

The Nashville CBC was held on Sunday, Dec. 15 and produced 82 species and one count week species, American Wigeon at Radnor Lake. The day was cold and cloudy, and the wind may have kept some birds down in open areas like Bells Bend Park. A female Long-tailed Duck was found by the Hwy 70 group on a small lake in Bellevue, and continues to constantly dive for food there as of Dec.18. A Peregrine Falcon was a nice find on Sneed Rd. on the Warner Park route, and an American Tree Sparrow was spotted by the Harpeth West group off of Hwy 100. Other highlights included 172 Wild Turkeys, 3 Bald Eagles, 1 Sandhill Crane, 4 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 27 Hermit Thrushes, 4 Palm Warblers, and 3 Purple Finches. Blackbirds were noticeably scarce. Thank you so much to all who participated, and to Susan Hollyday for a delicious supper/compilation. We couldn't do this without everyone's help.

To view the entire list click on Bird Count Results on the right menu and select Nashville CBC under 2013.

Jan Shaw, Compiler